Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I'm turning into a vampire...

The past few days have consisted of a lot of sleeping.  I have terrible insomnia at night and crash during the day.  I'm starting to feel like a vampire.  I fear I will be afraid of my reflection soon or shrivel in the sunlight.

Natalia, is cooing, and screaming, and spitting up, and smiling, and we have conversations quite a bit.  I don't know if she understands me, but I like to think she does, so I keep talking to her.  We talk about everything, money, life, boys, the kids, the animals, what's going on in the world, etc.  Pretty much anything that's on my mind. One day I fully expect her to look at me and give me her opinion.

I just sent out my baby announcements. I thought I did pretty well, time wise.  Next stop, thank you cards from the wedding.  I love my send out cards.  I am going to promote this business like crazy, because it works.  I love it. Time to make things happen.

Ty and owie miss their dad a lot. I wish I had a portal gun to bring him home. I'm going to find him a job at home soon because this is for the birds.

I always have more eloquent things to say, too bad they leave my mind once I start typing.  Love getting older.

I'll just leave with this photo of my babies.  Love them. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

2 months old...

My little Diva, is 2 months old today!  Wow, time flies when you're having, fun, or taking care of a newborn.  I'd like to say that most of my time has been spent sleeping, and I'm the most well rested I've ever been in my entire life.  She's a delight.  I'm so lucky to have this 3rd opportunity at Motherhood.

Ty and I went camping gear shopping.  That was fun and exciting, as we are preparing for his first camp out this weekend.  I am looking forward to spending an entire weekend in the raining wilderness, with just me and my boy.  Hopefully he will appreciate this when he's older and realizes his mom is more of a princess camper, than the roughing it one.

Owie has been playing Lego batman a lot.  He is obsessed with batman.  Who can blame him?  Batman is the coolest.

Had a great weekend with Sherry at Dallas Comic Con.  I was underwhelmed with Bonnie Wright, aka Ginny Weasley, but Loved the Ashmore Twins, James, Marsters, Michael Rooker, and C Thomas Howell.  Had such a great time with Sherry.   I miss my friends.

Having kids makes me realize how much I miss my friends.  It's so hard.  I get jealous hearing of their adventures to Disneyland, and traveling overseas, and just living life.  But, then I look at the memories I'm making and I'm living life too, just differently.

Plus side, I increased my protein output and lost 6lbs last week. Score!  Protein is the key.

No more to say, off to do something useful, or not.